Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hi,have a nice day:

Dear Friend:

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cooking skills

10+ Dishes and Drinks Everyone Should Know How to Make At Home (Including You)

Whether you have trouble boiling water or you know your way around an immersion circulator, there are some foods that everyone should know how to make, either because they're delicious, they're easy, or they require skills that will benefit you as you learn your way around the kitchen. We asked some professional chefs (and the Lifehacker team) what you should be able to make, no matter who you are, and how.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

PostgreSQL and JSON

Native JSON features submitted for PostgreSQL 9.2 (UC Browser)

Patterns photography

Digital Photography School » 33 Inspirational Images that Feature Patterns and Repetition

Our world is filled with patterns. They’re everywhere when you start looking for them and they can be a powerful element to think about when out and about with your camera.
